This site was made as part of a course to learn “modern“ workflow techniques. At the time alot of these were the workflow du jour but now have been superseded by by some fantastic tools and advancements which pretty much render these obsolete.
Nowadays most of these things come out of the box with the modern frameworks such as React but I feel that going through the pain of setting up Webpack and Gulp gave me greater appreciation and understanding for all that is going on under the hood. Some of the tools are listed below:
PostCSS - for CSS nesting, variables and all other goodness
normalize.css - Improves cross browser consistency
Gulp - for workflow automation
Webpack + Babel - Use ES6 today with no qualms
Browser-sync - Live previewing across devices
I found this course extremely useful as it was the first time in my learning process it felt like I was making something “professional”, fully responsive, component driven, npm and workflow automation. This is the reason I include it in my portfolio as it was a real aha moment in my learning. I even made a boilerplate to use on my future projects. Little did I know about the speed of advancement in the development world 🥲.