The idea behind this site was to have a minimal, clean design whilst using some of the things exciting things that I have been learning recently. What better way to learn?
The stack used is Next.js for the front end paired with Contentful which is a headless CMS.
I love Next.js as it provides so many tools on top of the traditional create-react-app
to really simplify the making of a modern website. Some of my favourites are:
Powerful routing through pages and dynamic paths
Static Site Generation for extremely quick performance
CSS Modules and Sass out of the box
Continuous deployment through Git and Vercel
This time I employed a headless CMS to drive the content of the site which makes adding new content a breeze. Contentful has been a great solution as the UI to build and add your content is very intuitive and a GraphQL API to fetch this data works wonderfully with React.